The Philippine’s archipelagic feature and location along the typhoon belt of North Pacific basin coupled with its position within the Pacific belt of fire increase its risks-levels to different types of disasters. The country is frequently devastated by typhoons, storm surges, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and drought that cause billion worth of damages on properties and lives of people. Susceptibility to disaster events and their impacts are usually exacerbated by climate change and unsustainable human practices thus, creating an ecological imbalance.
In Philippine context, vulnerability to disasters is often linked with poverty issues. Those who are usually residing in relatively high risk areas such as along railways, under the bridge, riverbanks, foreshore and dumpsite areas are low-income groups who cannot afford to live in affordable and descent houses. In addition, these groups also belong to the informal sector who lacks security in land tenure and access to physical infrastructures and basic services.
In the past decade, the Homeless People’s Federation Philippines Inc. (HPFPI), a national network of urban poor communities originating from small saving groups throughout the country has integrated disaster response measures in its key rituals, using enumeration as a tool. Its commitment to work with the most vulnerable communities began after the Payatas trashlide in year 2000. It was a tragic event that killed and displaced several hundreds of people after a mountain of solid waste dump in Quezon City collapsed due to heavy downpour. Gathering data on the actual number of casualties and relief operations were the initial responses of the government and concerned civic organizations. However, the accuracy of reported casualties and damage assessment were contested and questioned for these did not actually reveal the exact number of disaster-affected families and the incurred losses on properties. This apparent data gap on the number and status of communities in high-risk sites like Payatas, inspired the federation to start its enumeration initiatives.
HPFPI’s recent survey which is being supported by Slum Dwellers International (SDI) started in April 2010 and targets high-risk settlements. This comprehensive community-based data collection primarily aims to come-up with an updated and realistic data about the socio-economic, structural, tenurial and sanitary conditions of disaster-prone communities in the Philippines. Having a clearer picture of the present conditions of these communities through enumeration and accurate reporting is very crucial if we want to deliver appropriate disaster mitigation and post disaster intervention projects. More importantly, risk factors and existing resources in communities are easily mapped-out that could serve as bases in formulating a strategic and holistic disaster preparedness plan which is also vital in developing disaster resilient communities.
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